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Disputing Discriminatory Landlords


MedBud Staff
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Flag of gb_eng|raw Rockingham
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 CC Cardiff
Saw this thread elsewhere, and couldn't help signing up to rebuttal the nonsense claims from some landlords there. If patients don't actively work to combat discriminatory or unlawful views held, we're never going to move forward:



We have so far to go yet before the majority of the UK recognises that they or their business can't impede a patient's right to use their prescribed medication as directed - the most they can do is ask for 'reasonable adjustments', which still allows a patient to administer as required.
The comments of the entitled landlords really trigger me, They are Victorians in all but name. I do not need to disclose medical evidence and i do not need your permisssion to vape. Anything these people say is illegal.

A big problem is finding reprentation. My landlord discriminated against me but not my prescription and i cant get them to court as no solicitors will help. They injured me prior its why i have my precription. I havent been able to secure a solicitor in over two years, Ive called over 40+ solicitors.

You likely need to defend yourself, Under the Equality Act. Service providers have to provide reasonable adjustments landlords fall under a service provider. Dont like it? Then dont rent! The people posting on that site are poor human beings who just expect tenants to sit and take orders they are going to be very upset if any tenant managed to file the case. As a self tenant you should:

(1) Write to the service provider and outline the breaches of the Equality Act that are relevant to your Cannabis use and reasonable adjustment aka disabilitys and aids.

(2) Demand they stop and pay you £7000

(3) If refused after giving them 14 days apply to the local County Court under the 2010 Equality Act via a Solicitor.
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