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Khiron Hindu Kush


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🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 Mamedica®

So i really really like this strain. For me its decently priced, Terpenes at 2% give it a nice taste and smell and the effects are great one of the best ever. But is is exclusive to Zerenia?

Medbud listed this available for what seems like a month but it never appeared on the formulary of Mamedica apart from the launch. So i emailed Khiron and they said to me it was available matching the medbud status and sent me a Zerenia Clinic email. Now i never responded as i have no intention of moving to Zernia to access one single strain that can pop in and out of stock but what gives? As i underatand Zerenia is Khirons own clinic? So are they holding back supply or something? I am curious as i feel this is one of the single worst medical practices where a company have thier own product and instead of making it available they jealously guard it.

This happened in online games sales, Epic store buying up exclusives to supplant the dominant reseller Steam and customers hate it!
Khiron's Hindu Kush should not be exclusive to Zerenia, while it's distributed by Curaleaf which many pharmacies have supply set-up for - to our understanding supply negotiations are handled separately by Khiron/Zerenia. This means, to the best of our knowledge, that companies must individually negotiate with Khiron before being able to offer their medication - and at what profit margin to themselves.

So yes, you're right that sales are being held back to some degree as best we understand - but it's also worth noting supply negotiations involve both sides.

This is a recurring issue with numerous brands, and part of a greater issue plaguing patients.
Khiron's Hindu Kush should not be exclusive to Zerenia, while it's distributed by Curaleaf which many pharmacies have supply set-up for - to our understanding supply negotiations are handled separately by Khiron/Zerenia. This means, to the best of our knowledge, that companies must individually negotiate with Khiron before being able to offer their medication - and at what profit margin to themselves.

So yes, you're right that sales are being held back to some degree as best we understand - but it's also worth noting supply negotiations involve both sides.

This is a recurring issue with numerous brands, and part of a greater issue plaguing patients.

Once again thankyou. All the Curaleaf flower is reliably available at Mamedica but not the Hindu Kush. At one time you could see Bananas Ice Cream or BIC (angry face) but not HK i had thought that after the first batch it had been been exclusive but i guess this is down to Mamedica themselves then.

I guess the only explanation is then that Mamedica are slow on ordering? This is the only rational i can come up with that now Mamedica have the license to buy and store medicines they likely blew the budget on other products? They certainly do hold a lot of medications that are listed as unavailable on Medbud they deserve acknowledgement for this but i cant get my head around the Hindu Kush. It really had never been on the formulary since it was announced as returning. I think after the Twitter post (the legend returns) it took around 4 weeks to order and since then has not returned. It is a fantastic night time strain one of the few with 2% terpenes i would of expected them to order in a LOT of it.
Honestly, I have no idea which side this is on - I don't know if Mamedica are refusing to offer, or Khiron aren't making supply profitable/viable.

Mamedica do have a WDA license now, and as you might have seen from their ITV coverage yesterday they physically hold good stock of many medications at this point.

Our formularies are going to be moving to individual pharmacy stock levels in the coming months, and this should help explain exceptions to brand coverage like Hindu Kush at Mamedica.
That site addition will be brilliant it honestly boggles my mind how well Medbud do thier roles and come up with these website functions for what seems like an extremely complex and fragmented industry i take my hat off to you! Also to be fair Mamedica are very good in this regards the WDA license really has made a huge difference they themselves understood that they needed to hold Peace Naturals in bulk and they did and i myself love the Peace Naturals but i could save a few £ if they sorted this out and ordered in the Hindu Kush and used the WDA to store it.