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Mamedica Growing Pains?


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Flag of gb_eng|raw Derbyshire
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 Mamedica®
Hi Folks, glad to join the community, and thanks for the hard work of those who built and continue to develop MedBud

I had my second prescription delivered today from Mamedica Pharmacy but one of multiple items was missing, and there's no indication on the invoice or anything that it was missing intentionally. I've tried calling and using different options - Pharmacy on hold an hour so I I hung up, others answered after a shorter wait but couldn't tell me without checking with the pharmacy.

As a new patient myself, whilst the process has generally been smooth I've noticed things here and there in addition to this example suggesting they may be a bit overstretched and a few things are slipping? I know there's been recent media coverage and adverts, so assume lots of new sign-ups (including me!)

Just wondering what the consensus was - trying to withold judgement and understand if it's a temporary thing (essentially good because it means more people are getting access to the medicine they need) which might be frustrating but really nothing to worry about in the long run, or if there are some things they just don't do so well...
Mamedica need to signup here. The pharmacy is my gripe as well the phones have never veen proprely manned since Jan 2023 for me ive had times where they just wont answer even if you are #1 in queue.

I asked them about Hindu Kush availability, No reply. Yet they keep taking on new patients. The dispensary only recently added the queue notification system it used to be you had no idea in the queue what number you were.
Mamedica need to signup here. The pharmacy is my gripe as well the phones have never veen proprely manned since Jan 2023 for me ive had times where they just wont answer even if you are #1 in queue.

I asked them about Hindu Kush availability, No reply. Yet they keep taking on new patients. The dispensary only recently added the queue notification system it used to be you had no idea in the queue what number you were.
I did have a look and saw that they are currently advertising 3 posts all in the Pharmacy, so perhaps reinforcements are on the way? At the moment I'm waiting a response to an email for this...
I've been watching feedback on Mamedica Dispensary closely since launch, there's been two periods so far where they were noticeably stretched and a lot of patients were complaining over long handling times for scripts - where we've then put up temporary warnings against their listing. Both times things settled down, and they're certainly a lot better at handling volumes of new sign-ups than they used to be.

They've definitely had growing pains, as they've been the fastest growing clinic/pharmacy pretty much since launch.

I've used the pharmacy myself for over 6 months now, prescription handling times can be a couple of days until invoiced unlike elsewhere (I'm told this is because I'm an external patient with CCC) - but several times they've been incredibly impressive with getting together massive scripts of 10+ flowers from various suppliers either next-day, or the day after. Generally I rate them pretty highly.

The big downfall for them in my own opinion is definitely phone handling times, when I've had to call the pharmacy I've had 30m+ waits about half of the time - infact I've kinda learnt if I need to call, to call the clinic, and ask to be redirected to the pharmacy 😅

We are aware that Mamedica have a brand new system coming for patients, which should both streamline a lot of the prescription/dispensing process, and free up countless hours from their staff ⏳
I've been watching feedback on Mamedica Dispensary closely since launch, there's been two periods so far where they were noticeably stretched and a lot of patients were complaining over long handling times for scripts - where we've then put up temporary warnings against their listing. Both times things settled down, and they're certainly a lot better at handling volumes of new sign-ups than they used to be.

They've definitely had growing pains, as they've been the fastest growing clinic pretty much since launch.

I've used the pharmacy myself for over 6 months now, prescription handling times can be a couple of days until invoiced unlike elsewhere (I'm told this is because I'm an external patient with CCC) - but several times they've been incredibly impressive with getting together massive scripts of 10+ flowers from various suppliers either next-day, or the day after. Generally I rate them pretty highly.

The big downfall for them in my own opinion is definitely phone handling times, when I've had to call the pharmacy I've had 30m+ waits about half of the time - infact I've kinda learnt if I need to call, to call the clinic, and ask to be redirected to the pharmacy 😅

We are aware that Mamedica have a brand new system coming for patients, which should both streamline a lot of the prescription/dispensing process, and free up countless hours from their staff ⏳
Thanks Muiredach, very insightful, based on what you shared I'll cut them some slack and see how it goes :)

Update - I've had a reply to the email late today saying that the item was actually out of stock, but the note wasn't added (presumably due to being overstretched and rushing). Someone will call me monday to agree a replacement.

Everyone makes mistakes; I pay more mind to how mistakes are corrected so if all sorted on Monday then fair play to them
Thanks Muiredach, very insightful, based on what you shared I'll cut them some slack and see how it goes :)

Update - I've had a reply to the email late today saying that the item was actually out of stock, but the note wasn't added (presumably due to being overstretched and rushing). Someone will call me monday to agree a replacement.

Everyone makes mistakes; I pay more mind to how mistakes are corrected so if all sorted on Monday then fair play to them
At least you now where your missing package is.
That would of stressed me as well
I've been with them since October and it's been a PITA at times, I was averaging anywhere between 7-11 days from request until the postie ringing the bell and much of the time I had to chase them via Twitter (I responded sarcastically to one of their 'did you know tweets' and got an immediate DM so just used to DM them every month)

They used to specify two days from px request to payment request then delivery within five working days, then it went to three days px request-payment request, however they've started emailing about two weeks prior to prescription date so you can submit early - I've started putting it in when I receive that, they post date the script and I get payment request 2-3 days later, settle that then when the post date matures it's shipped out same day. I've done that the last couple of scripts and had it two days later and has saved a lot of chasing and wondering what's going on! They could do better at making people aware of this.
I've only had one script from them with an item missing but it was highlighted on the despatch note saying 'to follow' - Royal Mail have been my grievance the last couple of scripts, get the email saying 'we have your parcel for delivery tomorrow between 11-5' and they've not showed up until the day after, so a wasted day hanging around waiting.

Overall I'm pleased enough with Mamedica, the messing around my mate has had recently with JEC is beyond the pale.

tl/dr: chase them on Twitter, get your repeat in early 😂
I too ring the clinic and give off after all they have a direct line to the dispensary. In the end i havent been left without but i do order early the day my last script is due to end i put my new script in. At one point it was a hassle every month i had to call. Now theres an email link for payments too if you use credit card just email for the link.


It should all be automated though, I would even approve direct billing if they allowed me too but right now its a two step process order and pay where all other retailers as we know use a one step system.
Been using Mamedica for about 9ths now, prior I was with lyphe and before that the TMCC. Mamedica have been good in general, they are always polite when I call. My only annoyance is they seem to have a huge difference in the amount of low cost medicine (flower) vs premium strains.
I get it is great to have access to these stains and personally I feel lucky that over the years we have had access to better quality medication, I still have shudders when I think about the days of grossly over priced Tilray products!
Thanks to all who responded, appreciate you sharing your experiences (y)

Got my call-back today, first thing which was appreciated, and a replacement is on the way. Apparently we'll have to play table-tennis with the invoicing because I've already paid for the original product but the replacement costs more, and they can't issue the invoice up front with the correct adjusted price :rolleyes:

Hoping stuff like this gets resolved too when the new system Muiredach mention is implemented
Oh mamedica… here’s a big tip, when you speak to the pharmacy, ask for Jen, she is by far the most helpful. Nicola is also very competent.

I can’t really fault the staff. They are communicative for the most part, however, the system they are working in is extremely rusty, and needs lots of tweaks. I’ve waited 14 days for repeats from order to delivery in the past. And then I’ve had stuff the next day. Inconsistent could be an appropriate word.

It’s annoying how you can only order the meds they offer on their repeat script list, and you can’t order cheaper stuff when they only have £6.90/g lowest price in stock sometimes.

The biggest selling point, and mainly the reason I’ve not looked for other clinics, is that I was accepted into the access scheme, so my £200 I paid last year will cover all my clinics/repeats/delivery.

I’m hoping that in time my loyalty and perseverance with the company will come to turn into something good. As @Muiredach says, they are working on new patient portals so I’m hoping that can start to become more efficient.

If I had one recommendation to mamedica, it would be to employ a few patients, who have relied on the service, and who have experienced ups and downs using the system.

As someone said, if you are able to order repeats 2 weeks prior to due dates, that will stand you in good stead, however we can’t all afford to do that!
Oh mamedica… here’s a big tip, when you speak to the pharmacy, ask for Jen, she is by far the most helpful. Nicola is also very competent.

I can’t really fault the staff. They are communicative for the most part, however, the system they are working in is extremely rusty, and needs lots of tweaks. I’ve waited 14 days for repeats from order to delivery in the past. And then I’ve had stuff the next day. Inconsistent could be an appropriate word.

It’s annoying how you can only order the meds they offer on their repeat script list, and you can’t order cheaper stuff when they only have £6.90/g lowest price in stock sometimes.

The biggest selling point, and mainly the reason I’ve not looked for other clinics, is that I was accepted into the access scheme, so my £200 I paid last year will cover all my clinics/repeats/delivery.

I’m hoping that in time my loyalty and perseverance with the company will come to turn into something good. As @Muiredach says, they are working on new patient portals so I’m hoping that can start to become more efficient.

If I had one recommendation to mamedica, it would be to employ a few patients, who have relied on the service, and who have experienced ups and downs using the system.

As someone said, if you are able to order repeats 2 weeks prior to due dates, that will stand you in good stead, however we can’t all afford to do that!
That was me that said about getting your order in early and I fully appreciate it's not financially feasible for everyone, especially if you've got a large script, however it's certainly sped up delivery times for me and if you're able to make the adjustment once and can maintain that payment date it should create less waiting time in future - Mamedica's main issue is that they don't have a wholesalers licence (I was told at Christmas that they'd applied but it was up to the Home Office to agree/process it, and as we know things move glacially in beurocratic circles, so they have to order just about everything in (@Muiredach might know more on that?)

I'm on the access scheme also and I'm now at the break even point compared to other clinics, so everything is free from here on 😁
Mamedica's main issue is that they don't have a wholesalers licence (I was told at Christmas that they'd applied but it was up to the Home Office to agree/process it, and as we know things move glacially in beurocratic circles, so they have to order just about everything in (@Muiredach might know more on that?)
Mamedica have their WDA license now (y)

That was me that said about getting your order in early and I fully appreciate it's not financially feasible for everyone, especially if you've got a large script, however it's certainly sped up delivery times for me and if you're able to make the adjustment once and can maintain that payment date it should create less waiting time in future - Mamedica's main issue is that they don't have a wholesalers licence (I was told at Christmas that they'd applied but it was up to the Home Office to agree/process it, and as we know things move glacially in beurocratic circles, so they have to order just about everything in (@Muiredach might know more on that?)

I'm on the access scheme also and I'm now at the break even point compared to other clinics, so everything is free from here on 😁
What is the break even time for the access scheme? I’m 12 months into it on 1/10
I guess the answer to that question depends on what the alternative is:
  • If CB1 then it'd take 4 years for Mamedica Access Scheme to be cheaper.
  • If Alternaleaf, then MAS is cheaper by the 14th month.
  • If Jorja Emerson Centre then MAS is cheaper by the 11th month etc.
EDIT: JEC do a £199 a year offer too instead of monthly, in which case MAS cheapest by 13st month.
What is the break even time for the access scheme? I’m 12 months into it on 1/10
I was basing it on being with Sapphire/Curaleaf previously at fifty quid every 12 weeks (my initial assessment with them was £150 in 2020, they tried to shift the goalposts and charge me £300 based upon needing to see a psychiatrist, until I asked why I was seeing a psychiatrist for a neurological condition...)