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Hey everyone,

I spy the lush person who recommended here and MC to me by via insta, thank you 😘

I'll be honest I'm massively confused over all the terminology etc but I'll get there, I've signed up to alternaleaf monthly payments, sent all my docs over then realised in true adhd fashion I'd not actually thought it through, like I didn't see costs anywhere for the actual MC, I had to leave my job in due to my health and I can't really fall back on my self employed jobs because my hands are so painful 😢 so now I'm like shiiiiiiiit I potentially can't really afford to try it and I've signed up to a monthly subscription service not sure I can get out of it if it works out too costly monthly.

I am autistic/adhd with ocd/fibromyalgia/mcas, sprinkle of anxiety/depression and peri menopause, phew that's a mouthful 🫠🤣 so I know I'd probably benefit although I've been completely sober since last Nov, because I'm allergic to A LOT of things, including nicotine/alcohol, well it's more how the histamines show up in my bod and send me into anaphylaxis so I'm a ball of anxiety when trying anything new.

That was a shit tonne of personal information, I'm not an oversharer at all. Haha. Hi everyone 👋🏻
Hey everyone,

I spy the lush person who recommended here and MC to me by via insta, thank you 😘

I'll be honest I'm massively confused over all the terminology etc but I'll get there, I've signed up to alternaleaf monthly payments, sent all my docs over then realised in true adhd fashion I'd not actually thought it through, like I didn't see costs anywhere for the actual MC, I had to leave my job in due to my health and I can't really fall back on my self employed jobs because my hands are so painful 😢 so now I'm like shiiiiiiiit I potentially can't really afford to try it and I've signed up to a monthly subscription service not sure I can get out of it if it works out too costly monthly.

I am autistic/adhd with ocd/fibromyalgia/mcas, sprinkle of anxiety/depression and peri menopause, phew that's a mouthful 🫠🤣 so I know I'd probably benefit although I've been completely sober since last Nov, because I'm allergic to A LOT of things, including nicotine/alcohol, well it's more how the histamines show up in my bod and send me into anaphylaxis so I'm a ball of anxiety when trying anything new.

That was a shit tonne of personal information, I'm not an oversharer at all. Haha. Hi everyone 👋🏻
Hi 👋

Welcome 🙏 I’m sorry to hear that you are unfortunately unable to work due to your health. I am currently not working due to health reasons also. I’m ADHD and EUPD and am also in recovery from cocaine and alcohol. Medical cannabis has always been a medicine for me before it was even called medical cannabis in England. So switching was a no brainier but when I first switched to medical cannabis the costs associated where eye watering and I was unable to afford all or any or my prescription and that is when I relied on my Cancard. Over the years I struggled and switched between BM and prescription cannabis.

I was already awarded PIP so when Mamedica offered the ‘one - off’ £200 lifetime payment I switched clinics to offset the clinic cost involved, unfortunately they now have a limited amount of available prescriptions for dispensing via their own pharmacy compared to others so I will be sending my prescriptions to a different pharmacy next month for dispensing whilst staying with Mamedica as the clinic.

Cost has always been a big factor for me and medication cost has become a monthly burden but the cost of medication, the quality and availability has improved hugely.

My advice is THC % isn’t everything, it doesn’t have to me the strongest or most expensive to be affordable effective medication. Also switch to vaping cannabis if you haven’t already this generally for people will help reduce the amount of cannabis used compared to smoking.

I highly recommend the T18 GELATO #33 by Grow @ £5/g
Tilray Warlock @ £5.5/g.

This is excellent flower for the medicinal daytime effect. It makes me very balanced and because of the CBD it prolongs the medicinal effects of the THC. I just don’t like how irradiated the flower is but it’s about the medicinal properties not just the bag appeal right? 🤷‍♂️
Thanks for replying 🖤 I can't find the calculator but I often can't see things right infront of my face so that's normal.

I think I read some places it costing people £200 a month and I absolutely can't justify that when my pain meds/adhd meds cost me £100 a year. I'd absolutely rather have plant than big pharmacy shit don't get me wrong but I've also got 2 kids to support and they're expensive 🤣🤣 I do have a wonderful supportive husband that will happily pay but again has to be somewhat doable.

I'll keep a note of recommendations even though right now it's confusing as hell 🤣
I understand. 2oz and a Q for £300 locally, as low as £250 if I go into the city or online 🤫. I don’t know anyone personally who grows and I’m not allowed to grow again myself so unfortunately for me i had to go out to get it and I didn’t want my daughter to ever see her daddy be persecuted for having, using or being under the influence of cannabis so for me just having a small script each month was enough to emphasise its medical benefits that I received from cannabis and if I was ever to be stopped or questioned. Then I would top up my prescription like I would before with cannabis from BM sources because I can’t afford to purchase all medication from a pharmacy. Prescription is the gold seal of legality so to speak and the CanCard for proof of medical use when using BM illicit cannabis. I found this combination was extremely effective. Unfortunately because I am in recovery for cocaine I am now only allowed to use prescription only cannabis 🙄
I used to get so many unwanted side effect from modern medicine that cannabis or no medicine at all was eventually the only option for me.
That said since moving across completely I am less needy of cannabis I’m not sure if it was the super boosting nutrients that illicit cannabis is grown with or what but I can’t stress enough how much more stable I feel using medical cannabis vs illicit hydroponic grow.
Welcome @mermaidspooks , bet that was a sinking feeling when you realised it didn't include MC price, but having a look at your symptoms as in your hands, I see this everyday and sometimes MC can be the only thing makes the pain subside or become bearable. Juggling costs whilst trying to not let it be a burden to your family is hard, but let's hope you find a good medium.(allmix springs to mind.)
Oh I know it wasn't included in the price but I didn't really think it through properly, I'm worried now that if it's not affordable then I've wasted £180 🫠 on a yearly subscription.
Welcome @mermaidspooks , bet that was a sinking feeling when you realised it didn't include MC price, but having a look at your symptoms as in your hands, I see this everyday and sometimes MC can be the only thing makes the pain subside or become bearable. Juggling costs whilst trying to not let it be a burden to your family is hard, but let's hope you find a good medium.(allmix springs to mind.)

I understand. 2oz and a Q for £300 locally, as low as £250 if I go into the city or online 🤫. I don’t know anyone personally who grows and I’m not allowed to grow again myself so unfortunately for me i had to go out to get it and I didn’t want my daughter to ever see her daddy be persecuted for having, using or being under the influence of cannabis so for me just having a small script each month was enough to emphasise its medical benefits that I received from cannabis and if I was ever to be stopped or questioned. Then I would top up my prescription like I would before with cannabis from BM sources because I can’t afford to purchase all medication from a pharmacy. Prescription is the gold seal of legality so to speak and the CanCard for proof of medical use when using BM illicit cannabis. I found this combination was extremely effective. Unfortunately because I am in recovery for cocaine I am now only allowed to use prescription only cannabis 🙄
I used to get so many unwanted side effect from modern medicine that cannabis or no medicine at all was eventually the only option for me.
That said since moving across completely I am less needy of cannabis I’m not sure if it was the super boosting nutrients that illicit cannabis is grown with or what but I can’t stress enough how much more stable I feel using medical cannabis vs illicit hydroponic grow.
Yeah I really struggle with side effects too, my adhd meds make me manic and most everything else makes me like a zombie so it's really not ideal. I'd rather take nothing!! BUT the pain some days is unbearable which then makes my mental health plummet as I can't exercise or do much other than rest and I get so bored!!!
Oh I know it wasn't included in the price but I didn't really think it through properly, I'm worried now that if it's not affordable then I've wasted £180 🫠 on a yearly subscription.

Yeah I really struggle with side effects too, my adhd meds make me manic and most everything else makes me like a zombie so it's really not ideal. I'd rather take nothing!! BUT the pain some days is unbearable which then makes my mental health plummet as I can't exercise or do much other than rest and I get so bored!!!
Oh this sounds so familier as in my wife, who currently is considering the path you've took,
It sounds like a stressful situation. I unfortunately do still have to use medication from time to time for sleep and depression but purely because of cost if I could afford more medication I would but like @Stav said it’s getting that balance that works for you.
Don’t give up on the cannabis dream just purchase as you can afford but being a medical cannabis patient would provide some legal protection surely? I just can’t see a criminal court justifiably prosecuting in the public interest a medical patient because they can’t afford the medical treatment costs involved with the prescription
Oh this sounds so familier as in my wife, who currently is considering the path you've took,
It's rough!! It's hard enough being chronically ill but then having the costs and stress of just trying to function as an non disabled person is a lot!!
It sounds like a stressful situation. I unfortunately do still have to use medication from time to time for sleep and depression but purely because of cost if I could afford more medication I would but like @Stav said it’s getting that balance that works for you.
Don’t give up on the cannabis dream just purchase as you can afford but being a medical cannabis patient would provide some legal protection surely? I just can’t see a criminal court justifiably prosecuting in the public interest a medical patient because they can’t afford the medical treatment costs involved with the prescription
Yeah I will see what they say. In my head I was like around £100 a month that will doable, I think in my head I was thinking about when I used to smoke it from the BM which was a lot cheaper and mainly just got me off my face to deal with the fact I was an undiagnosed neurodivergent.
Luckily my wife gets full pip and has a carer ME, Still very hard though navigating through things, like I say pain in the hands reduces a lot of daily tasks you can do reliably,safely and when you want to,especially with side effects of meds . Don't want to pry but maybe should consider a fresh disability claim with your up to date symptons.
Luckily my wife gets full pip and has a carer ME, Still very hard though navigating through things, like I say pain in the hands reduces a lot of daily tasks you can do reliably,safely and when you want to,especially with side effects of meds .
As well they should, ME is incredibly debilitating and I'm glad she's getting the help and support she rightfully deserves. Yeah my hands are okay today but yesterday I couldn't even open my oat milk 🫠 the doctors have given me some new meds for my anxiety but already they're just vile and I'm reminded of why I've not taken any for years. I hope I can afford to try MC.
As well they should, ME is incredibly debilitating and I'm glad she's getting the help and support she rightfully deserves. Yeah my hands are okay today but yesterday I couldn't even open my oat milk 🫠 the doctors have given me some new meds for my anxiety but already they're just vile and I'm reminded of why I've not taken any for years. I hope I can afford to try MC.
Sorry not clear, I meant Me as in the carer ,she's had RA for bout 13 years now, After about a year I had to give up workin.
It's rough!! It's hard enough being chronically ill but then having the costs and stress of just trying to function as an non disabled person is a lot!!

Yeah I will see what they say. In my head I was like around £100 a month that will doable, I think in my head I was thinking about when I used to smoke it from the BM which was a lot cheaper and mainly just got me off my face to deal with the fact I was an undiagnosed neurodivergent.
Exactly that 🤣 I used to smoke so much. Since I stopped rolling my consumption has dropped massively. CBD will prolong the THC and I think I increases its efficacy, Im vaping CBD carts that at the moment and it’s surprising how long it prolongs the medical effects, it’s additional cost but could be offset in the reduction in prescription flower? Some others on here are also trialing CBD flower from USA which is very competitively priced.

I use a volcano that has helped but are eye watering expensive
Exactly that 🤣 I used to smoke so much. Since I stopped rolling my consumption has dropped massively. CBD will prolong the THC and I think I increases its efficacy, Im vaping CBD carts that at the moment and it’s surprising how long it prolongs the medical effects, it’s additional cost but could be offset in the reduction in prescription flower? Some others on here are also trialing CBD flower from USA which is very competitively priced.

I use a volcano that has helped but are eye watering expensive
I've tried cbd but didn't notice a difference I wouldn't know where to start to get vapes etc I'm so autistic it hurts, like researching chunks of text and stuff I have no experience in makes me dissociate so fast, once I start deep dive researching my brain is lost in wonder land.
I , but we have to get On with it ,just so much easier with the right meds and pain relief.
Yeah totally get that, it absolutely is easier with a good pain relief.