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Pink diesel

I have it on my script this month but yet to receive.

Did you try the Cosmic Cream recently? I didn't get on with it particularly well myself.
Am so paranoid about ordering poo and being stuck with it, so I end up unadventurous.

YouTube helps, and the Reddit sub is decent for getting an idea about strains after they have settled post-PR. Lots of PR noise, fans and moaners when things just launch. Makes it difficult. But again some YouTubers help.
We'll end up launching our full review system for flower/clinics/pharmacies before long, I'll just genuinely need to launch the volunteer team before then to make it all manageable. It's really important patients are given a proper independent review system free from PR manipulation.

Pretty certain it will be locked down to verified accounts only, which will be required in general for pricing/availability quite shortly. We're due to write another letter back to the MHRA as we're actually long overdue, and they're not happy.