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Reddit toxic

Purple Monkey

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Good afternoon people unfortunately I seem to be seeing more and more toxicity on Reddit lately a lot of arguments and a lot more nasty comments on there or down voteing going on its a real shame this community used to be a lot better.
There's appeared for a long-time to be intentional vote manipulation in the sub in favour of certain companies, certain posts get upvoted or downvoted, and there's a lot of brigading over issues like seeds or mould.

Around the launch of meds there's often accounts rushing to either trash or praise trying to steer a narrative, which often turns on its head as more patients actually receive.

Any mention of MedBud is censored, and I remain banned after correcting poor legal advice from a moderator over two years ago, and ranting at them about the injustice. Many others are banned, from patient groups, to industry staff whom tried to engage with patients there.

Bluntly, I've considered the place 'compromised' for a long-time - much of the industry seems to too.
I totally agree with you we have spoken briefly before about a person two weeks ago and the blame game . It's unfortunate people can be so nasty at times.
I totally agree with you we have spoken briefly before about a person two weeks ago and the blame game . It's unfortunate people can be so nasty at times
There's appeared for a long-time to be intentional vote manipulation in the sub in favour of certain companies, certain posts get upvoted or downvoted, and there's a lot of brigading over issues like seeds or mould.

Around the launch of meds there's often accounts rushing to either trash or praise trying to steer a narrative, which often turns on its head as more patients actually receive.

Any mention of MedBud is censored, and I remain banned after correcting poor legal advice from a moderator over two years ago, and ranting at them about the injustice. Many others are banned, from patient groups, to industry staff whom tried to engage with patients there.

Bluntly, I've considered the place 'compromised' for a long-time - much of the industry seems to too.
The truth is most people forget shit Most people forget shit really fast There's this idea somehow that like everybody's looking at you and you're going to be judged and you're going to be mocked And guess what You will If you build something big if you take big risks if you fall flat on your face people are going to laugh at you They're going to mock you But they're going to forget about that crap in like ten minutes They'll be moving on to some new drama some new thing something else But you'll be learning the lesson Don't be afraid to do something because what people are going to say because they're going to say some shit anyways Be afraid of never taking the jump Be afraid of never taking the risk because while they're talking you're learning While they're smacking you're growing Take the jump Take the risk F them.
Sage life advice in general, well spoken – a favourite quote of mine:

Yogi Bhajan said:
If you are willing to look at another person's behaviour towards you as a reflection of their relationship with themselves, rather than a statement about you as a person; then you will, over a period of time, cease to react at all.
Hi, new here.

I agree the Reddit sub has gone hugely down hill. But given the mods priority is to just use it as a feeder for platforms where they can earn add revenue, it's hardly surprising.
It can be good for reviews and to find out if there's dodgy meds getting dispensed, there's also a lot of good and genuine advice but you pretty much need to separate the wheat from the chaff to find it...which leaves you having to wade through a lot of angry and toxic posts, and there's not a doubt there's shilling and bots going on/at play also...much like the rest of the feckin internet!
Take from it what you need and find value in and use it as the basis for your own further research, ignore the rest of it 👍