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THC limit whats the big deal?


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So i have been a patient since Jan 2013 and tried T18 to T33 and i do not understand why Mike Barnes etc made that crazy recmendation i am reading about on Twitter? Whats the idea force people with a natural thc tolerance to everytime they order an above 22% strain have to pay for a Doctor approval? £75 per appointment!

The Doctors currently have taken on more work than they can manage so have clinics my clinic has real trouble answering emails and phones in a timely manner how would they cope?! All this does it stigmatize and further burden people like myself for no fault of my own.

When the Dr gave me T18 i barely felt anything i was badly emaciated and having 2 nightmares per night i had 6 days and nights of insomnia at my worst in xmas2022. I only really get relief with the higher thc the T30 and T33 to me are not that different than the T25 etc if i were blindtested all i could tell you is i feel the effects more on one so i save money by ordering the best thc to £ ratio strains. It seems Mike Barnes knows better? Theres no rational behind this idea the mechanism currently exists. My friend has been limited to T18 Gelato as a new patient by his clinic and they will not allow him to order T25. I explained to my clinic my tolerance, Black market history etc and i can order what i feel i need which is best for me as a patient. And so i think the whole thing is frankly bizarre and a non issue.
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There's a slight misunderstanding here on what the UKMCCS have proposed in their new guidelines. They're asking that behind the scenes there's peer-review sought for all prescriptions over 60g or 22% THC, though this isn't something patients should have to pay any extra for:

A lot of the prescription handling work doesn't fall on doctors, but ancillary staff working under a 'shared care' agreement. For each specialist doctor involved in UK medical cannabis right now - there's probably an average of over 300 patients in their care. The only way the discrepancy between patient and specialist numbers is reconciled, is by having other staff try increase each specialist's bandwidth - and this can also be where things fall down at times.

What we completely agree on is that there was no provided rationale behind these new recommendations, before Prof. Barnes deleted his Twitter account, we'd requested numerous times that he provide evidence for the new recommendations - and critiqued the fact neither MCCS members were consulted (reportedly, from members we know) and neither were CIC members, while the managing director Mike Morgan-Giles was also contributing to the article.

This all does seem to be somewhat reactionary to other issues going on behind the scenes, involving both the CQC and MHRA, but regardless - we consider the MCCS recommendation to be unevidenced, harmful to patients, and overall just a badly conceived plan attempting to placate regulatory scrutiny.
Thanks for the extra information that i was unaware of. If you look at my thread on my Aurora experience i think a formal community petition should be drafted on the grounds that those in higher up positions of power (CQC MHRA etc) are not really doing thier role properly.

Patients have higher priority issues with elusive refunds on flowers contaminated with seeds and mould and additionally medications are held up far too long most of the medication is dry and has been on the shelf too long. I also think the recent campaign against the strain names is stupid as well and another zero evidence move by those in positions of power.

At Mamedica they only call it HGH now. What is HGH? Without Medbud i would never know this was Heavy Gas Hitter i would be less informed of my medicines effects as i can look it up online. I am honestly baffled at why these people are going after cultivar names and high thc? When they sit and allow patients like me to be ripped off and after lenghy email exchanges tell you that unlicensed medicines are in thier nature subject to change. Which is pretty much saying we refuse to help you.