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Thought I’d better introduce myself…

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🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 Alternaleaf

Hello! I’ve been a med patient now for about 7 months, I’m with alternaleaf. BM user most of my life on and off so about 25 years (I’m 40)

I have ADHD and I’m autistic, with a quite bad unknown as yet pain condition, linked to osteoarthritis but could be early osteoporosis, so I’m still in diagnostics and testing.

I’ve been in early menopause for four years now, and I’m trying to actively talk about it more. Especially in spaces that are male dominated. It’s fuckin beyond brutal for a lot of afab folks and chronically under researched and under funded.

I’m an artist and tattoo artist by trade, very keen amateur naturalist and gardener, no kids, 2 dogs, 3 cats and based in the south west, North Somerset area
Welcome! A lot of patients seem pretty happy with the service from Alternaleaf, and they seem to be becoming the most popular clinic at this point.

Truly hope your pain condition can be properly diagnosed, if nothing else it sounds related to some form of chronic inflammation where it can be hard to pin-point the exact cause 🫂

Being a guy, I honestly don't know that much about the menopause other than having seen my mother go through it. I have seen other patients state that cannabis has helped them through though. Hope you're managing to find some relief.

You definitely have your hands full with canine/feline friends 😁