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Aurora very bad experience *warning*


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Hello Medbud users

I wish to share my story about Aurora. On May 15th i purchased through Mamedica 2x 10g pots of LA Confidential. Previously i had put the T20 DNK as one of my top strains. It has a sweet and skunky aroma very unique great Indica effects and a unique bright green lime buds. Even this strains seeds are unique in shape as per DNA Gentics who bred this strain.

What i recieved was a seemingly completely new product using the same name LA Condidential name but now in a new purple tub as previously this was produced in Denmark and was Orange. This new Purple tub batch was produced in Ontario Canada and has magically jumped by 20% potency from 20% to 24%. This new product is NOT the same. It to me is Sourdough! It has that tight sticky bud structure and smells exactly like Sourdough and all the buds are big like Sourdough you cant mistake the two in color or shape and Sourdough gunks up the grinder unlike LAC. There is no skunk terpenes present either only the cakey sweet Sourdough smell. I have ordered all three products the two LAC and the Sourdough.

I reported this to Mamedica on 15th May who reported it to IPS and Aurora. As of today Aug 31st i still had no one believe me :( IPS nor Aurora want to inspect my tub. I cant get a refund and my meds expire tomorrow 1st Sept and i have alerted all partys on May 15th. I feel like this could of been a major mistake or coverup by Aurora. I contacted the CQC the MHRA and the DMRC but no one will take any firm action i had to today consume the last before expiry it was losing smell and going off color i can not afford to lose money.

The only info i have been given is that this was the first new batch from the new site in Canada and that out of 175 sold only one person aka me complained. And so i am being called a liar by IPS and Aurora. Even if the 175 patients were new to Cannabis and never tried LAC before i still am wrong. The fact that no one at IPS or AURORA had probably tested all three products like i have means i have more knowledge than those telling me i am wrong. I believe that Aurora messed with the Gentetics of LAC and likely crossed it with Sourdough to boost potency but they dont want the general public to know. Or this is a new phenotype but if it is oddly the effects and all other metrics are so vast that customers should be warned or at least given an explanation. As of today Aurora will not communicate at all i and mamedica and everyone else still can not find out what the hell happened? How does this not fall into brackets of fraud or false advertising? Of course this is no fault of Mamedica but IPS etc are so slow it takes generally 8 weeks for a reply. What happens if you bought meds with an expiry of 8 weeks? You risk waiting to be told nothing is wrong and they wont care about your now out of date medicine. I should of just consumed mine on the first two weeks.

So to summarize, I suggest the MHRA instead of going after the names like Skunk and forcing them to be called just SK focus on actual problems patients face. And i dont suggest any patients now purchase LA Confidential. For £240 you should spend £15 more and get the Sourdough at 29% instead of 24% for LAC. A difference of £15 makes the LAC a bad deal compared to Sourdough as they afterall seem to now be pretty much indentical in my opinion.
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All of the aurora stuff looks identical, I had la confidential and sourdough previously and couldn’t tell the two apart!
All of the aurora stuff looks identical, I had la confidential and sourdough previously and couldn’t tell the two apart!

Did they smell the same and taste the same Rick? I found LA C and Sourdough so alike that my complaint insisted Aurora made a packaging mistake. They stated they did a full line clearance and ruled out cross contamination. As of yet Aurora can not confirm my statements. This is what Aurora told IPS. They should be vastly different strains. I think maybe someone at Aurora mixed up bag seed? After all how did Aurora transport the genetics from Denmark legally to Canada? The seeds have been out of stock for a year at DNA genetics.

LA Confidential has for me the most unique terpene profile and the nicest among all the medical strains. Its really skunky and sweet when you open you get medium not airy not dense buds that are normally medium to small but they havre a really bright lime greem color. Sourdough on the other hand has big buds that are super dense sticky and smell of sweet cake? Anyways you cannot mix them up Sourdough is not a bright lime green strain.

I maintain Aurora did something, Could you tell us more Rick on your experience of them both in a little more detail? Because what Aurora done should of been flagged up. No one will believe me currently my clinics dispensary mangement reopened the investigation but i have not heard anything back. My only official instruction was on a reply to my May 15th notification of an error or fraud was told not to consume my medication. Mt medication expired on September 1st as of today September 3rd no one at Mamedica IPS or Aurora sent me any further email.
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All I can say is that ive had both and it appeared to be the same bud. It was the same when I had sourdough and farm gas, they were indistinguishable from each other. All the aurora stuff seems so similar to me.
All I can say is that ive had both and it appeared to be the same bud. It was the same when I had sourdough and farm gas, they were indistinguishable from each other. All the aurora stuff seems so similar to me.

I agree Farm Gas and Sourdough are so alike but you verifying my claims makes me happy and pleased. This makes two of us who can verify unannounced strain changes. I personally doubt given the vast differences this was a different phenotype of LAC. I believe now given how similar it is to Sourdough that there has been a mistake at seed level. That Aurora crossed it with Sourdough or they cannot source any LAC seeds and so they packaged in Sourdough. Some of these reasons constitute false advertisement/fraud this is why i am so unhappy at the Care Quality Commission, The MHRA, DMRC, IPS, Aurora who refused to believe me and refused to inspect or recall my tub and forced me to consume it against my consumer wishes.

*Updated on September 5th still no further correspondence so i have decided to post below further informstion*
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IPS received 750 units of Pedanios 24/1 LAC-CA (THC~24% CBD<1%) Cannabis Flower 10G BN: E060. These units were appropriately stored under controlled ambient conditions with intact seals and no further manipulation done by IPS.

Out of 750 units, 749 units have been sold to various customers as of today (01 Jul 2024). From these 749 units sold, this is the only complaint received of this nature.

The manufacturers' CoAs for the flowers were checked, and the 'Smell Characteristics' and 'Identity for Appearance, Microscopy, and Thin Layer Chromatography' complied with their specifications.

This Complaint CC 24-087 was escalated to the manufacturer of the flower on the same day the complaint was received (12 Jun 2024) under Vendor Ref: VC 24-053.

Today (01 Jul 2024), the manufacturer of the flower provided their investigation report. They reviewed the batch documentation for E060 and ruled out cross-contamination and carry-over. The batch documentation also confirmed that line clearance was done and that this is the first batch produced at their new production site. They stated that the complaint cannot be confirmed. IPS will continue to monitor for any trends.
We (IPS PHARMACY) have adhered to the correct protocol, and according to our terms and conditions, we cannot provide refunds unless the medication is defective or if we have made a dispensing error.

The Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Regulations 2000 state that there is no right to cancel under the following circumstances:

Exceptions to the right to cancel

13: (1) Unless the parties have agreed otherwise, the consumer will not have the right to cancel the contract by giving notice of cancellation pursuant to regulation 10 in respect of contracts-

(c) for the supply of goods clearly personalised or which by reason of their nature cannot be returned or are liable to deteriorate or expire rapidly;

In this context, you do not have the right to cancel.
I wanted to point out here that i notified Mamedica on May 15th. Despite the actual flower issues IPS confirmed they only recieved this on June 12th! No one replied to me when i pointed this out to all partys involved. Its really is a massive overal let down in consumer rights in my opinion. It is critical pharmacys when given notification of faulty medicine send the complaint ASAP!

I also have no access to the COA report. I would like to see if Skunk is on the COA it surely would be the defining feature of this cultivars smell.
Hello Medbud users

I wish to share my story about Aurora. On May 15th i purchased through Mamedica 2x 10g pots of LA Confidential. Previously i had put the T20 DNK as one of my top strains. It has a sweet and skunky aroma very unique great Indica effects and a unique bright green lime buds. Even this strains seeds are unique in shape as per DNA Gentics who bred this strain.

What i recieved was a seemingly completely new product using the same name LA Condidential name but now in a new purple tub as previously this was produced in Denmark and was Orange. This new Purple tub batch was produced in Ontario Canada and has magically jumped by 20% potency from 20% to 24%. This new product is NOT the same. It to me is Sourdough! It has that tight sticky bud structure and smells exactly like Sourdough and all the buds are big like Sourdough you cant mistake the two in color or shape and Sourdough gunks up the grinder unlike LAC. There is no skunk terpenes present either only the cakey sweet Sourdough smell. I have ordered all three products the two LAC and the Sourdough.

I reported this to Mamedica on 15th May who reported it to IPS and Aurora. As of today Aug 31st i still had no one believe me :( IPS nor Aurora want to inspect my tub. I cant get a refund and my meds expire tomorrow 1st Sept and i have alerted all partys on May 15th. I feel like this could of been a major mistake or coverup by Aurora. I contacted the CQC the MHRA and the DMRC but no one will take any firm action i had to today consume the last before expiry it was losing smell and going off color i can not afford to lose money.

The only info i have been given is that this was the first new batch from the new site in Canada and that out of 175 sold only one person aka me complained. And so i am being called a liar by IPS and Aurora. Even if the 175 patients were new to Cannabis and never tried LAC before i still am wrong. The fact that no one at IPS or AURORA had probably tested all three products like i have means i have more knowledge than those telling me i am wrong. I believe that Aurora messed with the Gentetics of LAC and likely crossed it with Sourdough to boost potency but they dont want the general public to know. Or this is a new phenotype but if it is oddly the effects and all other metrics are so vast that customers should be warned or at least given an explanation. As of today Aurora will not communicate at all i and mamedica and everyone else still can not find out what the hell happened? How does this not fall into brackets of fraud or false advertising? Of course this is no fault of Mamedica but IPS etc are so slow it takes generally 8 weeks for a reply. What happens if you bought meds with an expiry of 8 weeks? You risk waiting to be told nothing is wrong and they wont care about your now out of date medicine. I should of just consumed mine on the first two weeks.

So to summarize, I suggest the MHRA instead of going after the names like Skunk and forcing them to be called just SK focus on actual problems patients face. And i dont suggest any patients now purchase LA Confidential. For £240 you should spend £15 more and get the Sourdough at 29% instead of 24% for LAC. A difference of £15 makes the LAC a bad deal compared to Sourdough as they afterall seem to now be pretty much indentical in my opinion.
I can Beleve you I ordered some farm gas and some sourdough and the sourdough was well off and same like you I sent them pictures and after all that they don’t believe me to
This was the LA C and Sourdough I got at the end of July - very different in both looks and effect (I didn't like the LA C, made me feel like I had food poisoning coming on 😂)
I had major issues with Aurora and IPS around three+ years ago when they moved Ghost Train Haze production to Denmark and got a similar runaround to you (full pots of popcorn and shake - although I did get a free pot or two with the promise quality would improve, it didn't, but then I told them to ram it when they offered me 50% off and reported them to MHRA - the IPS pharmacy manager wasn't pleased about that 😁)

LA C first, SD second
This was the LA C and Sourdough I got at the end of July - very different in both looks and effect (I didn't like the LA C, made me feel like I had food poisoning coming on 😂)
I had major issues with Aurora and IPS around three+ years ago when they moved Ghost Train Haze production to Denmark and got a similar runaround to you (full pots of popcorn and shake - although I did get a free pot or two with the promise quality would improve, it didn't, but then I told them to ram it when they offered me 50% off and reported them to MHRA - the IPS pharmacy manager wasn't pleased about that 😁)

LA C first, SD second
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I feel u bro and from the look of that LA Comfi bud I know wouldn’t like that weed yo
This was the LA C and Sourdough I got at the end of July - very different in both looks and effect (I didn't like the LA C, made me feel like I had food poisoning coming on 😂)
I had major issues with Aurora and IPS around three+ years ago when they moved Ghost Train Haze production to Denmark and got a similar runaround to you (full pots of popcorn and shake - although I did get a free pot or two with the promise quality would improve, it didn't, but then I told them to ram it when they offered me 50% off and reported them to MHRA - the IPS pharmacy manager wasn't pleased about that 😁)

LA C first, SD second
View attachment 29View attachment 28View attachment 30

Thats the same flower the wrong flower. It is unmistakeable the big buds. If you look at this strain in medbud wikis photos you see the smal lime green buds? Thats how the strain used to be and had the proper smell. Aurora messed witu it and ruined it. I still havent heard back my flower expired and they still are messing around. IPS are awful and should be investigated by the MHRA.

No one cares... DMRC MHRA CQC all said no issues. The COA report excuse is stupid. Lets say i run a pizza place we sell drinks coca cola sprite etc dr pepper its a self refill. So i swapped coca cola with dr pepper and didnt tell anyone. But i put on the coa report that it smelled like dr pepper but is called coca cola. Apparantly because IPS read the COA as being dr pepper then its OK to get dr pepper as a customer. Forget fraud, Forget false advertising its OK. Insane!!!
DMRC MHRA CQC all said no issues. The COA report excuse is stupid. Lets say i run a pizza place we sell drinks coca cola sprite etc dr pepper its a self refill. So i swapped coca cola with dr pepper and didnt tell anyone. But i put on the coa report that it smelled like dr pepper but is called coca cola. Apparantly because IPS read the COA as being dr pepper then its OK to get dr pepper as a customer.
The MHRA will overly fixate on cannabinoid %s, and maybe terpenes if pushed. Their instinct will be seek to regulate as closely as possible to industry norms, and equivalent alternatives pharmas can be dispensed in specific situations. Ties into the overall trends in generic pharma in recent decades and encouraging medics to prescribe by substance and not brand "That's not Laxido, what's that?". "It's the same thing madam".

Of course it's not identical, but the regulators need the comfort blanket of existing frames of reference to demonstrate execution of their statutory duties. And thoroughness can differ in different contexts, e.g. hospital pharmacies, when there are supply chain issues, or when particular attention is being pointed at something for any reason e.g. vaginal meshes in the past, or cannabis now

It's round peg and square hole thinking Vs MC, sure. But it's a new area that they will be struggling to shoehorn into a stretched budget and with lack of specific precedents. We just need to be loud. Especially because many medics are exposed to rigidly unscientific and closed minded groupthink. Like all humans, they are also prisoners of themselves.
It's almost certainly a mistake, the batch in circulation should still be T24 - I've just checked the distributor's info to be sure.

They fixed it now T24 again. You can check below if you tick one box do you need to increase dosage and it lets you see the mamedica formulary without being a patient.
