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Joining Alternaleaf

Greetings and salutations..
Hey all, just had my medical with Doc from Alternaleaf, he's gotta put it to the board and now I wait..
Good luck, most of the time getting the initial appointment is the main thing, if you meet the criteria you meet the criteria. You should have a positive reply soon!
I'm hard of hearing and deaf in one ear, I struggle to hear and feel a dick because I can't hear and dont want to keep saying, sorry say again, some mention of are you happy to accept my recommendation, I think it was 10g of something for day, 10g of another and 10g of another for night coming to £180 ish.. LOL that's not gonna last a month, is it normal to start low and build up amount needed
I'm hard of hearing and deaf in one ear, I struggle to hear and feel a dick because I can't hear and dont want to keep saying, sorry say again, some mention of are you happy to accept my recommendation, I think it was 10g of something for day, 10g of another and 10g of another for night coming to £180 ish.. LOL that's not gonna last a month, is it normal to start low and build up amount needed
Personally my first order was 40g as I explained I can consume over 2g a day, but financially I can’t really afford 60g a month from mamedica. You just need to be honest about what you consume and what you need. As for the hard of hearing bit, you can ask to email for stuff like specific medications for your repeats etc, especially in your situation, and sort your meds via email.
I'm hard of hearing and deaf in one ear, I struggle to hear and feel a dick because I can't hear and dont want to keep saying, sorry say again, some mention of are you happy to accept my recommendation, I think it was 10g of something for day, 10g of another and 10g of another for night coming to £180 ish.. LOL that's not gonna last a month, is it normal to start low and build up amount needed

Service providers have to cater to that i think under the Equality Act just ask for reasonable adjustment. Its best to say to the doctor on the 1st appointment or the 2nd if you forgot your honest requirment.

If you want 60g/month state you need 60g some people get a lot more. Take into account bad medication there is no harm in having a 60g script if you only use 50g if you ever had to catchup that would mean a clinic call. Not all clinincs are like this some do start you off slow yes i know of someonw who is stuck on T18 while my script is T30.
Glad you got accepted, I've only been with them for about 2 months so just ordering my next prescription and trying to pick my meds for my next prescription. There's so much choice and although some meds haven't been the most terpene laden flower I've ever tried it's definitely some of the strongest I've had in a while. My favourite so fat was the Lotb420 apples and Bananas, unfortunately it's 13 a g and I've come across one immature seed so put me off reordering it for now. To be fair I'm over half way through it and that's been the only one so far. Great strain and terps shame it's not a bit cheaper but I hope they keep on producing this strain and hopefully the next batch will be totally seed free.
I'm hard of hearing and deaf in one ear, I struggle to hear and feel a dick because I can't hear and dont want to keep saying, sorry say again, some mention of are you happy to accept my recommendation, I think it was 10g of something for day, 10g of another and 10g of another for night coming to £180 ish.. LOL that's not gonna last a month, is it normal to start low and build up amount needed
I feel for you as I'm more deaf on one side and suffer with Chronic Tinnitus that never goes away, its soul destroying at times and the hearing bit i tend to do the same at times and agree with whats being said when i haven't heard someone properly, I'm learning now to explain my situation regarding my lack of hearing properly and its making life much easier all round, i too use to embarrassed asking people to repeat themselves all the time and give up. Welcome to your/our Community.