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Mamedica Growing Pains?


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Flag of gb_eng|raw East Midlands
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Hi Folks, glad to join the community, and thanks for the hard work of those who built and continue to develop MedBud

I had my second prescription delivered today from Mamedica Pharmacy but one of multiple items was missing, and there's no indication on the invoice or anything that it was missing intentionally. I've tried calling and using different options - Pharmacy on hold an hour so I I hung up, others answered after a shorter wait but couldn't tell me without checking with the pharmacy.

As a new patient myself, whilst the process has generally been smooth I've noticed things here and there in addition to this example suggesting they may be a bit overstretched and a few things are slipping? I know there's been recent media coverage and adverts, so assume lots of new sign-ups (including me!)

Just wondering what the consensus was - trying to withold judgement and understand if it's a temporary thing (essentially good because it means more people are getting access to the medicine they need) which might be frustrating but really nothing to worry about in the long run, or if there are some things they just don't do so well...
I phone up and change my appointments, give them a ring, there normally happy to change reviews

I think this is fine if there's a specific scheduled appointment, and it's not convenient so we call up to get it moved

This is a different case where they've laid out a timeline, then booked multiple appointments which should match that timeline, and someone has made a mistake which means all the appointments they have set-up are wrong.

It's their mistake - I've pointed it out, and they've tacitly agreed it's a mistake but (as yet) haven't sorted it out, and are abitrarily trying to get me to do more work before they will.

I've spent longer writing on this page about it than it would have taken to call them, the point is that I shouldn't have to and don't need to.